Ep 38 | AFLC Youth Ministries

Ep 38 | AFLC Youth Ministries

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AFLC Youth Ministries National Youth Director Adam McCarlson visits with host Daniel Keinanen. Adam shares his insights on the current youth culture and offers encouragement for parents and grandparents.


AFLC Youth Ministries

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This is the BeLED Family Podcast.


Let's study together. Let's do it together. Taking a humble approach to these topics, not thinking, “I got this figured out, and you younger ones are the ones that I need to teach.”


You are listening to the BeLED Family Podcast, where we hear from Light Entrusted Disciples. My name is Daniel Keinanen, and thank you for taking time to listen to this episode. I'd like to welcome my friend Adam McCarlson, who is the national youth director for the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. Now Adam and I, we've known each other for a good number of years, and we've worked together on what's called the FLY Committee. That's the Free Lutheran Youth Committee. That's our national youth gathering. We meet bi-annually in Estes Park, Colorado. What year was it that you and I served in that committee together? Was that.


Oh, boy, my memory fails me, Daniel


Was that 09 to 11, or is it 07 to 9?


Oh, okay. In 2007, I led music. I led worship, and so I was not on the committee then.




And I think in 2009 and 11, I played on the worship team. And so I think it was 2013.


But I wasn't…I thought we served together on the committee.


I think we did. Maybe it was 11.


It Is Written.



So then we were on the 2011 FLY Committee together. And




we kind of knew each other before that, but not as well.




And over the years he I have developed a great relationship and friendship. Adam is married to his wife Emily, and they have five children. And they live in Plymouth, Minnesota. Welcome to the podcast, Adam.


Thank you. Glad to be here.


Would you take a moment to just share a little more about yourself and give us a brief testimony of your relationship with Jesus?


Yeah. My relationship with Jesus. I've known him my whole life. You know, from the beginning. Was baptized into Christ as a baby. My parents brought me to him there. And as I grew, looking back on it, Jesus was there the whole time. I know I struggled a lot as a teen with my identity in Christ, an assurance that he loves me, that he cares for me, that I'm actually his child. You know, I think it's not an uncommon thing that I experienced that. There's a struggling with sin and does this sin…we hear that sin separates us from God. And in my mind, I was like, “Well, I still struggle with these sins. Does that mean that I'm not really His? That I'm not really Christ's?” And so that was a struggle that I had growing up. You know, as an elementary age student into my teen years, even into college, that was a piece of that. And I came to the Free Lutheran Bible College used to be AFLBS. And it was there that God just really grabbed hold of my heart and just gave me that confidence that I belong to him.


So there's two questions I want to ask. And now, as a parent and as National Youth Director, what advice would you have for a parent for little Adam back then and there? I mean, half the time parents aren't aware that that's going on. But is there something, an encouragement, that you would have for little Adam back then?


Yeah, I've actually wondered that question. On my own, I’m relatively introspective. And so I wonder what like, “What could have my parents done?” And they didn't really know because I didn't really share a lot of this. I actually think they did what was right. They continued the course. They brought me to places to meet with Jesus in his Word and through the congregation and the people there.


They counseled me when I was struggling with things. They would talk to me and care about me and show interest in my life. They modeled for me what Christian living was and all of those pieces. So in many ways, I think they actually did what…It wasn't…It just took my heart time.


You know, sometimes it just takes time for our hearts to really grasp the promises that God has given to us in Scripture.


That's beautiful. I love the faithfulness of your parents. Okay, so let's talk about that time you said that it was at Bible school.




Where Jesus got a hold of your heart. Can you talk about that?


Yeah, yeah. It was in a theology class of all places with, Pastor Haugen was teaching this class, and the topic that came up was baptism. And, you know, that's a…can be from different denominations, can be kind of a contentious theological topic, you know, different interpretations of Scripture and what that means. But I remember, in his office talking with him about the Lutheran perspective on baptism. And I remember arguing against him saying, “It can't be that. Baptism can't forgive our sins. It can't wash away our sins. That's not how it works.” And it was through that time he kept pointing me back to Scripture. “Well, what does Scripture say? What does Scripture say? What does the Bible say about this?”


And it was just through that conversation that I recognized that salvation was not my work, but it's completely a work of God. That my understanding before that was actually that there was a cooperating that took place, that it was partly me and it was partly God. And it was just through those conversations and the study of Scripture on a topic of baptism that I came to understand salvation, that I came to understand that as like, “Oh, it's not my efforts, my ability to avoid sin. That is my contribution to my salvation. No, it's God's work. He has done this thing. It's his job. He has unilaterally saved me, brought me out of the miry clay and washed me clean.” And that was a beautiful yeah, time for me.


The answers to both your questions, they're definitely related. You know, just the faithfulness of your parents going, hey, you know, as a parent, you don't know what your child is thinking. You don’t know the struggles they have. And then Pastor Haugen, just being faithful in the preaching the word, teaching the word at Bible school, those are very similar in style to you. And it was just that faithfulness of those who were placed over you in authority. God used those moments over time to be faithful to you and at the right time, at the right place.




You just…God intervened, and here I am. And I hope that for parents that's encouraging that as parents you go, “No, our job is to be faithful.” And it's cliche, but it's true. The results are left up to the Lord.


That's right.


And how He leads. I mean, I love the beauty in both those answers and how they are tied to each other. Thinking about both those now, what is your approach as a father, as a husband, in thinking about your own children? We'll get to the National Youth Director here in a moment. But thinking about your own children, how does that affect the way that you parent your children?


Yeah. So that, kind of that synergism kind of concept, like I mentioned, that I was struggling with that salvation is my job. And so that's just a common thing that I talk about with our kids. Just reminding them of their standing before God is based on not their own works, but on the work of Christ and on the cross. And so the gospel, Jesus’ death on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, is a normal thing that I end up talking about and communicating. It's, you know, the gospel isn't just this thing that gets us into Christianity, but it's actually the thing that governs all of a Christian's life that we need on a regular basis.


These reminders of the promises of God for us and for our salvation. So, you know, there's part of this where I continue to proclaim that. But it's really interesting because I can see it even in my own kids. There are days that they, at least from my perspective, they seem to get it and it seems to click. But then there are other days where, you know, they don't really believe it. You know, they don't really know, “Am I really saved?” They don't have that assurance, I guess I should say, not belief. But they don't have that assurance that these promises are really for them.


And, they're, you know, maybe having a bad day. They're struggling with sin. They just got disciplined because they were doing something they wouldn't do. And then that causes, you can see it, it causes a little bits of those doubts or that wonder in their mind, “Am I really loved? Am I really cared for? Am I really a good Christian if I'm struggling with these sins and disobedience or, you know, not following through and I said I would.”


And so for me, it's just trying to be that faithful parent, you know, continuing to bring them to the Word, bringing them to church, not because going there is where we're saved, but that's a place where we find community to teach us God's Word. And for them to hear God's Word and to be learning God's Word. Bringing other adults into their life, I think, is really important to help them speak into their life, in addition to me speaking into their life, the words of Scripture. So that's been my approach to it, recognizing my own struggles. I maybe overcompensate or sometimes can go overkill, but that's my goal is to faithfully bring them in, bring them up in the word of God, so that that's where the Spirit has promised to work in their hearts too.


Do you find it difficult at those times to see your kids when they're in those moments of struggle to just almost kind of stay out of it, not try to fix it or, sometimes you need to step in, but sometimes you need to just step back and go, “I need to let them wrestle through that.”


Yes, I find myself talking too much often and where I'll try to fix it. I was like, “Well, if I could just have this rational conversation with my nine year old, they'll finally come to a point where they understand this concept and whatnot.” And sometimes those go longer than others. Those Adam McCarlson's, you know, lectures, if you will. But usually at some point I'll come to that realization again. It's just like, you know, this rational conversation of the facts, I'll say of Scripture, even the facts on the page, it's not going to necessarily reach their heart.


And I just need to let them wrestle with it. Sometimes, that's how the Spirit works too. The law of God that we find in Scripture sometimes brings us to that place where we feel guilt and we feel conviction and we feel, I mean, sometimes even that condemnation, and the realization then that the gospel in those situations, once we feel that the gospel really feels amazing and freeing. And so praying for both the Spirit of God to work in both of those situations and trusting him to do so.


I mean honestly, it's helpful as parents remembering that our children…it's not our job to wrestle with our children. It's our job to be faithful to the Lord, live a holy life. And when they wrestle, they're wrestling with the Lord, too, and the Lord’s speaking to them.


That’s right.


Sometimes we as parents just have to read the situation, when to step in, when to, like you said, not to talk so much, but just to let it go.


Yeah, I mean, reality I think, thinking about this topic, I'm trying to be their savior.




And I can't be.


Yes, yeah.


They need the savior, but it's not me.


You're pointing them to Adam, not to the Lord.


That's right.


Right on. Okay, so let's move on. Let's talk about your journey to becoming the National Youth Director for your churches and denomination. When did you start to sense that God was leading and calling you towards that?


Most recently, it was just right after… Oh, man, where do I start with this conversation? I'm going to be starting my third year of seminary, coming up here. And it was right, halfway through my first year of seminary, so about a year and a half ago, that the former Youth Director took a call to a different position in our AFLC, and that position was going to be open. At that time, I didn't actually know what was coming. It had been in my mind in the past that this could be something that maybe God has on my future. But based on timing, I was like, “There's no way that this could work.” I'm still in seminary. I didn't see a future for how this could all work out.


And at that point, working with our denomination’s youth board. They're the ones who would hire, you know, National Youth Director. I realized at that point, “God, is this where you are leading? Is this where you are working?” But I can see actually further back, just God's timing. Along the way back to 2018, when he called me away from a youth director position at my church. I didn't even know where I was going. I didn't even know what he was calling me to, just that it was time to be done. You know, I started a small business with my in-laws flipping houses and continuing in that time to be investing in the lives of teens through camp ministries, various camps in our AFLC and in our region, teaching confirmation at our church and our congregation, kind of the basics of the faith teaching teenagers that, so a really, kind of a cool time that I think God was working and leading.


Then he called me to seminary, and I didn't even necessarily know why. I didn't necessarily feel called to pastoral ministry at that point. That was a question people kept asking me. And I said, “I actually, I'm not sure about that. I know he's leading me here. This is the next step to come and be trained at seminary. But I'm still figuring out where he's leading and where he's guiding.” So, it's easier to see in hindsight how that call started. I would say even just back in 2018. But it's just coming, came to fruition, a little over a year ago now.


How did you keep plowing forward, not knowing exactly where it was going to end? Because sometimes we as people, if we sense the Lord leading, we're kind of like, “Well, where are you taking me?” We want, we're kind of like, we want to figure it out. We want to know where it's going. How did you manage that for you not knowing exactly where it was going to end?


Probably poorly. There were, I mean, I just remember a lot of conversations with my wife Emily, just like, “What's next? Where are we going?” There were some conversations where we lay out, like, “What are our options?” You know, “What could we do where might we see ourselves in the future? What could this look like?” And, sometimes things look positive. Where it was easy to trust that the Lord's got this, and we don't know what it's going to look like, but that he'll guide and he'll lead. But there was other times when it was, it was not pretty, you know, it was like, “God, what are you doing? And why are you doing this? I don't want this.” You know, where it's just like, I'm just going to go this path. It seems easier instead. And so I'd say there's those hills and valleys, those ups and downs through that time. But, my goal was just to be, yeah, trusting in him that he's going to provide for my family.


That was probably my biggest worry. For a lot of those those pieces, “God, how are you going to provide for my family? If I'm starting a business, how are the finances going to work? If I'm going to seminary, how am I going to get a part time job and still pay a mortgage and get food on the table?” Like, all of those those pieces. And looking back, I can always be like, Adam, you're so foolish, of course he's going to take care of you, but in the moment it sure feels different sometimes.


What practical encouragement do you have for people who might be in a similar situation as you? I mean, let's assume that we all. Let's take all the Sunday school answers and just put those to the side: God's got a plan, be faithful, stick to him, trust him. All these things that the Scripture says, the promises of God that are absolutely true. Let's push those to the side for a second,




Knowing that that's the overarching umbrella that's protecting at all. What is the practical encouragement, with those in mind, that you could give our listeners that might be helpful for them?


You have to bring others into the conversation with you. I think when, at least for me, if you're anything like me, you just get in your head and you tell yourself all of these issues. Or maybe it's the devil. He's trying to discourage you or whatnot. He'll tell you these things and encourage you with these things that you're not good enough. You don't know where you're going. Your family is not going to be provided for. Those are the issues that are at stake. And, I think you need to pull other people into those conversations with you. Your pastor, a friend from church, if you're in a small group or a Bible study, you know, those people that you can speak into your life, but you have to, I think, bring other people, other mentors, other voices, other peers, whatever that is. Into those conversations. I think when we cut ourselves off from those people who God has put in our life to help us. You know, Proverbs talks about that with many counselors plans succeed. That concept that we're not meant to do this alone. We need other people and even, and it may be especially, in those situations when things feel dark.




When things feel uncertain, having those other people in our lives is important.


I'm sure those people that spoke into your life didn't always tell you what you wanted to hear, did they?


No. Nope. And I mean, and to be honest, it's not like everyone gave the same advice or the same thoughts or the same ideas or, “Hey, you should try this,” or “Have you thought about that?” But it was really those conversations that helped just keep my head on. And over all the advice that they gave, sometimes things I didn't want to hear or suggestions that I didn't want. I think those voices from the outside, reminding me that God has got this, that God's leading, that they're praying for me, is the encouragement that I needed.


Yeah. That's awesome. Okay, so think as National Youth Director, from your vantage point now, again, you are in full-time seminary. Almost done there. But what do you see in the culture today that teens or challenges that teens are facing?


Yeah, some of the obvious ones, at least they’re obvious to me, because they're, I think out there, they're looking at studies that are done on teen culture and things. These are the ones that come up a lot. So things like anxiety and depression, social media usage and associated issues that come along with that, sex and gender ideology and identity issues, things like that. Politics and how our culture as a whole interacts with one another. These are real issues, real things that teens are having to deal with. They're facing every day in their schools, with their peers, online. The struggles that they are facing because of a lot of these things are actual needs that teens need. And I think a lot of times, older generations can be dismissive of some of those things because they don't understand it. They don't know. They don't realize. Things actually are different than they were 30 years ago. And, so I think those are the big, big things.


A lot of those issues, though, I think should be addressed, and this is maybe coming into another thing, through biblical literacy and theology. I think our teens need, and understand maybe another way to say that biblical literacy and theology is another way to say it. They need to know what God's Word says and what it means for us. And so it can be these issues that they're facing, the felt needs, the real things, real world situations that teens find themselves in, but I think they're also facing just a lack of biblical literacy, a lack of understanding of God's Word as well. And so I think those would be two areas of those two buckets that I would like to categorize these in to. Actual issues that they're facing out there, but also they're facing, yeah, just a lack of understanding of what God's Word says and what it means for them.


Now, you said oftentimes churches don't know. They don't know how to talk about these topics, because maybe they're dismissive of them, because maybe they just don't know what to say, or they're haven't found it themselves in the word of God in relation to these topics, or God's Word has something to say, but yet they still won't go to those topics, because in the church, we can't talk about those things in church. And unfortunately, that has led to where we are now. Now, I would also add to what you said, Adam, that these aren’t issues that are just facing teenagers. They're facing adults as well. And so those adults are also struggling and they're the ones that need to offer help, but yet they're not… They don't know how to receive help themselves. What advice do you have for parents and ministry leaders in getting back to the Bible and helping address these topics in relation to teens?


Yeah, I think the first step for adults and ministry leaders is taking a humble look at these sorts of things and being real with themselves, honest with yourselves about it. I mean, you mentioned this briefly just in the what you mentioned there, but adults struggle with this as well. Adults are supposed to be the ones who have it together. At least that's what we tell ourselves. Adults are supposed to be the ones who have it together, who have it figured out, who are the experts on these things, who understand the realities of life and all of it, so we can teach the younger ones we can pass on to them.


But really, in these topics, I think it needs to be an invitation. The adults need to be inviting our teens to say, I don't know about this either. We should dig in together. Let's study. This is something that's going on. You're dealing with anxiety and depression. I'm dealing with anxiety and depression. You're immersed in social media culture, and I'm also addicted to my phone, and I can't, you know, get off watching bass guitar reels on Instagram, whatever that happens to be. You're, struggling with identity issues. And as a mom, maybe, or a dad, I really wrestle with my own online identity. What do people perceive me as based on my profile, you know? And so let's study together. Let's do it together. Taking a humble approach to these topics, not thinking, “I got this figured out, and you younger ones are the ones that I need to teach,” because that's going to breed that desire to not address the issue at all. Because if you start talking about it, you're going to reveal your ignorance on the topic, right?




And so I think an invitation, humbly saying, “We’ve got to figure this out, this is something that we're all struggling with, that I don't have all the answers, but we need to talk about this.” What do we deal with when it comes to anxiety? I maybe know the talking points, the Christian talking points when it comes to homosexuality or gender, but I don't know why those are the talking points. We need to study scripture. What is God's Word say? Let's do this together. Let's figure it out. So whether it's a parent and a child, whether it's a congregation coming together, and some parents and a pastor getting together to, you know, go through a book or a study or to research and to learn, together, I think, with one another. I think that's really what is the first steps that we need. Ignoring it, sweeping it under the rug doesn't help anybody. We gotta go somewhere.


Let's call it out. That's what churches have practiced for a long time, and parents, more or less parents. I have swept things under the rug because I don't know how to have conversations. But the two key words that you have said that BeLED is keen on is together and with, you know, the we're Be Light Entrusted Disciples.


Be light, be entrusted, be disciples, be disciples is doing life with together, you know. And it's for parents especially for parents, to admit to your child, “I don't know. Let's figure this out together.” Now, you said that was step one. Do you have other steps in relation to that, or is that or is that like no step one is just let's establish that and and see where it goes.


Yeah, and I think it is contextual, you know, because it really is going to depend on…I mean there's some overarching categories of issues that are, I guess, facing teens today and as we've discussed, adults too. It's not just the teens who are facing them, but I think you have to start there, to see what's next and where you go from there.


You know, I think you're going to find that there's unlimited ways, like, not literally unlimited, but so many different books and resources, things you can go into. And then also culture changes. And so as we're going along, there's going to be new things that you're going to have to address and to think through, new ways that some of these things on social media or, you know, issues with anxiety, depression, identity issues, whatever, play out.


And it depends on the person. Depends on the teen. What are the things they're facing? What are their concerns? And you're going to have to walk that road together. But I think the start is, let's go to the Word of God together and figure out where this goes from there. What does it say? Let the Word of God pour into our hearts and in our minds to help us filter and understand the world around us.


You said you mentioned resources. Do you have other practical resources that parents, grandparents, ministry leaders could utilize to help? Because some people like, “I hear what Adam is saying. I know that that's it sounds more simple, but I still don't. Sometimes you just need a tool or two in your arsenal to have those conversations. Do you have any resources that could offer some of those tools for our listeners?


Off the top of my head. And I didn't come prepared. I should have done better with, links or different things like that, too. But, I'm, to be honest, I'm still learning a lot of these things myself. In my position, I know, I think people think Adam Carlson's the expert because he's the National Youth Director for the AFLC.


But, there are a lot and I've valued many of them. So, it depends on the topic too, but


Well, you are a resource as National Youth Director of the AFLC.


Correct. You always could reach out to me, if you're in AFLC church or not. You know, I don't mind getting calls from outside.


I mean, I'll do your job for you. I mean, Youth Worker Weekends is also great in January, where you gather not just youth leaders, but, you know, often parents and grandparents. I think that's something that there's an opportunity for us as listeners. Youth Worker Weekends is a great training place. And it's not just for the youth leaders.


Yeah. I think in my opinion, you know, parents, I think pastors should come. I think a lot of times I'll call it out. This is the call out episode. You know, I think a lot of pastors are kind of feel like they're the pastor. So you've said this earlier in the podcast that they've got to have it all together, have it all put together.


But a lot of pastors, let's be honest, don't. They need help. They're human beings just as much as any one of us. So they need to be equipped. They need all that as well. And again, for pastors, do life with. Make sure you have community. I know that there are a lot of statistics out there of pastors who have recognized their shortcomings to their own family and their own children.


Yeah. And they don't like that. They're like, I've neglected my family for whatever.


Yeah, I will say, two organizations that come to mind or maybe not a specific, like, I'll say book or curriculum or video resource, but generally, I've really appreciated D6 and their ministry. They have a conference that I've attended down in Florida, which I really appreciated, and a podcast that can help with some of those issues.


Another one is the Center for Parent Youth Understanding, CPYU. And Walt Mueller and kind of the rest of the team there, really seeking to try to help parents and youth workers understand youth culture and look at it from a biblical perspective. And so they have a variety of articles, podcasts, books, resources available. For parents, they have a parent newsletter, which is pretty good, kind of identify some of those trends and things going on that I've valued as well from that perspective.


But I know there's a lot of other specific resources. There's a lot of books out there that I'm aware of. I just am blanking on all the right titles for them at this point.


So and also, you know, you mentioned D6 and CPYU, if you go back in the catalog of the BeLED Family Podcast episodes, in the first couple episodes, we have Doctor Ron Hunter, head of D6. He came on our podcast to talk about the state of parenting in the church. Encourage you to go back and listen to those. And Doctor Walt Mueller from CPYU. We haven't recorded it yet, but he's also going to be coming on the BeLED Family Podcast to talk about culture.


I'm going to mention something. The episode he did with Doctor Ron Hunter. I love one of those things. From there, I'm just going to quick shout out if that's okay with.


Shout Out on our own podcast. Absolutely.


As a way to connect with my own kids, my own children at home, every day we would do this thing called highs and lows where we talk about high and low. And it was after the episode that Ron Hunter was on where he mentioned switching that away from highs and lows and doing mad, sad, glad.


Yeah, yeah.


And we love it. My wife and I, Emily, it's been such a it's so fun to hear the it just opens it up a little bit more for our kids to respond. And so every day, we ask them either at the dinner table or if we don't get time, then, right before bed. Hey, what are mad, sads, glads?


What's something today that made you mad, made you sad, or made you glad? And it just gives them that opportunity to know that I care about them, that I care about what's going on in their lives, how they're feeling, what's going on. And it's just been fun to hear even my six year old, open up in those times and talk about this made me mad today.


And really cool. So I loved that episode. I appreciate your ministry and bringing in Doctor Ron Hunter.


Thank you Adam. Now, before we go to our last question, I just want to encourage our listeners, make sure that you subscribe to the BeLED Family Podcast so you don't miss out on episodes like the ones that we just talked about with Doctor Ron Hunter. Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We have quotes from different podcast leaders, different scenes, and things that can help point you, towards helping you as a parent, as a grandparent, as a ministry leader.


BeLED, we're available to come to your church. We've have been in a few churches already and have some plan in the future, but we're always open to come. I'm open to come. Talk about intergenerational ministry, how encouraging your parents or grandparents that way. Visit AFLC Youth Ministries on their website. That link is in the show description.


Follow them on Instagram and Facebook. I know that you guys, AFLC Youth Ministries, have done a great job building that up that platform. And the last one you can do is share this episode with someone that you would think would be blessed by listening to this. Listening to Adam talk about his journey to where he is now and how the things that are relevant for our teens.


So let's go to our last question here, Adam. Take time to share your heart for youth ministry, the vision and direction God has given you for the AFLC and also share how God is glorified through that.


Yeah, the AFLC is near and dear to my heart. I grew up here. In many ways, didn't understand even what it was as I was growing up as a child and as a teenager and have really just come to love who we are. That we got some warts, we got some messy, messy things going on.




Some issues, like we all do. Right. I'm not going to, you know, look at it with rose colored glasses. But I think being honest about who we are, reveals some of those things in ways that we can grow. But I love our AFLC, the people here, and the vision for free and living Lutheran congregations is something that I'm passionate about.


And so for AFLC Youth Ministries, really the direction, that I'm hoping to lead us toward is healthy congregations, healthy families. That is going to lead to healthy spiritual lives for teens. I think a focus and an emphasis. Youth ministries are good and important. But alongside them, our teens need congregations who come alongside them, teens that they know that they belong not just to their youth group, but that they belong to this body of believers, to this church.


And, I'm hoping to come alongside congregations to equip them and to help them, to motivate them to recognize that these young ones don't just belong in the basement or off in the youth room somewhere else, but that they are valued and important members of the church now, today, and that's, I think is something that they should need to recognize.


Pull them in. How do we incorporate teens into the congregational life of this church and this body of believers? I want teens to know that they belong here. And then families is another piece. There's the important role that parents play. They have the most time with their kids. More than a youth director or youth leader is ever going to have, parents play a significant role in the long term spiritual health of teens.


It can really feel daunting. I've talked to some parents that they hear statistics like that, and they kind of just shrink and they feel like this is such an important thing, and I'm so bad at this. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to do this. And so I'm hoping our Youth Ministries Department in the AFLC can help equip our churches as well to pour into their parents, pour into those who have the most time with our teens, if you will.


To help them be good parents, to bring them to the Lord, to prioritize time in God's word, to set up those rhythms of life that are going to be healthy, to help them make priorities and put them in place, you know, is it going to be sports? Is it going to be school? Is it going to be this activity or that fun thing, or is it going to be, is our priority going to be Christ?


Are we going to structure our family life and our calendar and our finances around him? And so those would be kind of the three areas: helping churches create great places for teens to learn, to grow in that fellowship in their youth groups; congregations, to be places that recognize that teens are valued and important members of the church today and prepare them for a life of service in the Kingdom of God and the congregation; and congregations then that can help their parents be excellent parents.


So that's what I'm shooting for and hoping to accomplish. That's great. Yeah. And the second question you mentioned, how has got glorified through this ministry? It's kind of a weird question. It feels like a brag, but it would, except that it's just been God who's been at work this whole time.


And so, you know, it's not really my ministry. It's not really me. I'm just. I'm just a guy. I'm just Adam McCarlson.


A little kid who's struggling in this faith.


I know. Right? And I look at my own life in the mirror, and I'm just like, Lord, you do use people who are just struggling to get by, and through their struggles, God reveals his glory. He reveals how amazing he is to work even through someone like me. And, it's just humbling to be along for that ride to see God at work in so many different ways.


Excited to see where he continues to work and lead.


That's great. Adam I'm really grateful for your time. And thank you for coming on, sharing about your testimony and the work that God is doing through you as National Youth Director. So thank you, Adam.


You're welcome.


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